Varicose veins and the lower extremities from home treatment

Varicose veins are mostly a disease of women, because of their veresoonkond constantly tired, because of loads, pregnancy, postpartum period and because of wearing shoes with high heels. But a strong half of mankind also may occur because of illness, excessive physical and sporting loads. In addition, drug treatment to eliminate varicose veins can also be home conditions. To this end, there are several effective and simple techniques.

Polishing when the varicose

Apple cider vinegar

Cider-vinegar-allowed-please-improve-blood circulation-blood

Common to many of the hostess product allows to greatly improve blood circulation, thanks to a slight warming effect. Particularly well õunaäädika helps if you have nodes. Rubbing the feet of the product should be after careful washing of the feet. The tool will be transferred before going to bed at, but it is best to do it, because two hours before bedtime. After that, apple cider vinegar rub the painful limb in the direction from the bottom up. Vinegar alleviates the pain and swelling, which allows the normal save and relieve fatigue. Duration of treatment two weeks, then it is necessary to break up the two months.


The leaves of the plants should be carefully chop and put in a glass jar. This should have a floor capacity of crushed leaves. In a jar, pour vodka or qualitative cognac. Cans be sure to cork tightly and keep in a dark place for a week. Necessarily every day to shake the power of that kalanchoe smacked all the juices. Week need to use a tool that rubbing the feet in front of directly going to bed. The duration of treatment is 30 days, after which made a pause for six months.

Lemon juice

Treat the need only take freshly prepared juice. It should be rubbed into the damaged varicose veins by the feet twice a day morning and evening. Duration of treatment not less than one month, because at this time the juice can relieve the pain, delete blue eye and alleviate the overall condition of the patient.

Attention! If you use the vinegar should be taken only in the apples! The normal table may be significantly damaged and cause skin irritation.

Juices treatment veenilaiendidtion expansion

To eliminate the disease must be from the inside and using the outside resources, which allows to achieve a lot of quick and visible results. One possibility for national treatment at home is to eat healing juices.


To get the result of the adoption of the juices, it should be mandatory to keep the proportions of the products. These proportions are as follows – 7:4:3:2. Is sure, that all products should be as fresh as possible, so like for example, vegetables and plants stored in the useful minerals in large quantities. The juice drink must be three times rapping in the amount of 100 ml Duration of treatment is one month, after which it is necessary to make a pause. Break between courses must not be less than twelve weeks. This range of products allows you to reduce the likelihood of developing hardening of the arteries and cleanse the blood vessels from calcium deposits.


Combination-products-carrots-spinach-and-beet-can improve-circulatory-and-free-ships

Also cooking its juice should be to follow the proportions, which constitute 10:3:3. Such a combination can improve blood circulation, clean blood vessels, improves the number of erythrocytes. The juice drink to be also three times a day. Since the recipe is for fresh beets, which can cause heartburn, should drink tool for 30-60 minutes after the main meal time. The duration of the treatment using the combination of the juice of carrots-spinach-beet is 10 days.

Attention! If you use the juices should be sure to follow the dosage, as it only allows you to see the actual effectiveness. All of the described beverages must be combined with the outer medicines.

Presses against the veins in the

Green tomatoes

Vegetables need to mash is mashed potatoes or cut into thin slices. If it should be so much the tomato of mass, so that it will cover all the diseased parts. After the breakdown of the tomato on top is a set of gauze headband and an elastic bandage or oilcloth, which does not let the fluid go out. Compress, that it is necessary to keep within two hours, then wash off all the lightly warm water. A day such a procedure can be done twice, to get faster result.

Potato shells

It should be carefully washed, so that there was no sand and mud. After shells are cooked and cool to a comfortable temperature, put all the sick parts. Because if the tomatoes peel is worth to take so much that it is completely covered varikoossed veins. Instead of shells may be taken and peeled potatoes, but it shows not so quick result. Feet definitely is covered with a gauze bandage or any other natural substance. To tolerate such a compress should be throughout the night. After this procedure the patient greatly improves blood circulation, which is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins.

Alcohol compress

Do this procedure should be the night, eroded the whole smell of alcohol. Advance sick should be well in the steam of the feet, wipe them and immediately distributed to wear of alcohol or vodka. After that it will need warm socks, if serious damage, it is advisable to wear even two pairs. Alcohol polishing, worth immediately go to sleep to get a good result. Compress the that it improves blood circulation and helps to reduce the manifestation of blue eyes.

Attention! Treat the data in such a manner can be four weeks, after which it should be take a break for eight weeks and if necessary, re-spend course of treatment.

Tincture, for the treatment of varicose veins

Garlic-citric acid

Garlic-citric acid-tincture-an excellent organizer--treatment-varicose-expanded-ven

The manufacture of the medicinal product must be wiped out 500 g of lemon with peel, as well as 150 g of garlic, it also should not clean the husk. The resulting mixture should be put in a jar, where it should be glass. Ingredients pour boiling water at room temperature in quantity of three liters and tightly closed. Received fluid administered in three days in the room. Definitely a day to be up to five times as strong volume products, to get good concentration of the substances. Take the infusion should be set 100 ml three times the main meals. Duration of treatment with lemon-garlic tincture is 10 days.

Carrot varicose veins of

To prepare a tincture, you will need to take one tablespoon of crushed leaves, the fruit, it should be carefully washed. The vegetable part of the pour 250 ml of boiling water, for about an hour under a towel or lid. The key measure 200 ml before the main meal three times a day. Duration of treatment is in this case 10 days.

Cognac and apple

This product is not brandy, but when stir in the cognac and apple fresh will allow to obtain a unique concentration of substances, which allows you to customize the work of the cardiovascular system. This is especially important when the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Treatment of the cognac is very simple. Enough empty stomach to drink 50 g of alcohol to drink, and immediately a bite of this apple. It is very important is to eat away all the bones, because they allow to significantly improve health. Treat both can be 21 days every six months.

Attention! Before treatment in the manner described, the physician recommends control cholesterol and to repeat the treatment two times at interval of six month period.

The combination of homemade recipes with the medication

All of these homemade recipes can be added to the diagram, where the second component of treatment becomes the proprietary medicinal product.

When combined with medicinal products and home methods it is worth to follow some rules:

  • recipes used during the evening period, when they are inherently compress or tincture;
  • juice can be drink any time of the day without taking into account the reception pharmacy medications;
  • the tablets can be taken at any time of day;
  • if you use drugstore gels, ointments and homemade tools, that the rubbing, compresses important to follow a two-hour break in procedures;
  • compresses also better to do before going to bed;
  • if the selected people of the recipe and medicines are one and the same active substance, the dose is a traditional treatment worth specify whether the treating physician.

Attention! At the same time creating a drugstore and homemade recipes, there exists a probability that there is no real effect of the treatment, as well as increases the risk of unexpected side effects due to the mixing of the various active substances.

the result

If you are experiencing varicose veins by not worth it, that completely ignored is the traditional treatment. Homemade methods of treatment can show the real efficiency without medicines only in the initial stages of the development of the disease, if it does not related to diseases of the heart. In other cases, traditional methods may be the only part of the integrated treatment, to avoid further complications of health.